There are many, many collections of stories for children but few have the scope and skill of this. Linda Rode has gathered into her loom sixty story-threads from all over the world. Joyously, most of them are from Africa but there are tales derived from Aesop, La Fontaine, Perrault, Grimm and Andersen as well as folk and fairy tales from the San, Khoi, Zulu, Igbo, Ashanti, Masai. A world-wide tapestry of tales, related with style and humour, and a brief note on the origin of each. All of these enriched by Fiona Moodie’s detailed, delicate artwork, elegant and excellent. I relish the many views of African people and landscapes so deftly chosen. Oh, how many happy returns you and your children will make to the treasures inside this enriching and beautiful book. Also available in Afrikaans as In die Nimmer-Immer-Bos.
In The Never-Ever Wood