Awesome Nature

Non-fiction is sometimes the way to a reluctant reader’s heart – and the excellent series of Rainbow Readers, published by Cambridge University Press is a perfect place to find appropriate and exciting books for Grades 1 – 7. CBN will be featuring many of these books (and the fiction in related subjects) during the next few months.

We find that children have a problem grasping the bigger picture of our world, our planet. Awesome Nature, by MI Davids and Helen Karlsen, is excellent for guided reading that can lead to more breadth of knowledge on topics like erosion over time, the different layers of our planet and the tectonic plates – the unseen push and pull of mighty forces that (usually) go on without us noticing. Excellent photographs and diagrams make the text more accessible – and lead to more questions about the nature of our small blue planet. Highly recommended for Grades 5-7.

Awesome Nature

By MI Davids