Our Amazing Administration Manager


Wilien must sometimes wonder, as she opens the door to the CBN ‘office’ in my dining room, what is waiting for her THIS time. It could be pretty well anything and it is time to acknowledge her part in nursing our projects through the most difficult year any of us have known.

We have had to change focus completely. Instead of workshops for 30 children or more, we have had to provide individual reading packs and make cunning plans to get out material adapted for small groups, or even children on their own. As a teacher, Wilien is able to give a practical focus on how we manage this.

It has been Wilien who has been at the practical interface between ideas and actual children reading and we need to thank her most sincerely for that. The children do. She is the face they see, masked and wielding the sanitizer, dropping off reading packs or Book Boxes. It is also she who does the never-ending work of monitoring and evaluating the statistics the workshops generate. Without them – without her – we would have no way of measuring the success, or otherwise, of the material we produce.

So please rise, board members, funders and friends, and let’s hear it for our most capable administration manager and most dependable and ingenious team member.

Hurrah! Hurrah! Hurrah!
(And thank you!)

Picture credit Mrs M van Zyl