Calling people working with Stanford’s children


An informal meeting will be held at Madre’s restaurant on 19th November at 11.00 for all those working with the children in and around Stanford.

• A simple connection and exchange of information so that each of us knows what is happening with other groups.

• Creating a visual map of where the children are and what is being done for each group.

• Suggestions for follow-up

Clearly this meeting will not include teachers, as it is during school hours. A separate report-back will be organized for them. Teachers at the moment (and in fact always!) are extremely pressurized. Not only is it the run-up to exams, but they are also dealing with the effects of lockdown and an extremely fractured school year. We wish them, and the children, everything of the best.

There will also be follow-up with local government and other organizations in the Overstrand region.

CBN will provide tea and coffee. Madre will have her delicious treats for sale for anyone who needs a nibble mid-morning.

Please feel free to send this information on to others who may be interested, but we need to know numbers, so RSVP is essential.

RSVP by 16 November to: