We have some happy children!


This project has been enormous. It has also been enormous fun, enormous amounts of work, enormous amounts of hope and a strong belief that it will happen.

It came from a desire to lighten up a little, to give the CBN children a break from the anxiety of a long season of lockdown and worry. It also comes from a need to stimulate them, to make them think and to excite their imaginations again.

Week One was an introduction to how we can use our senses to make us happy. The next two weeks are about seeing, looking, watching … using our eyes to see and experience beauty. The CBN team has the third unit ready for discussion of our sense of smell. Work is already under way on Taste.

His project really has legs. The children are enjoying it, as our photographs show. There is so much material in the 20-page booklets, that we are extending the time to two weeks per theme – and there is much more to come after that. We visualize this project taking us through to a time when (hopefully) we will be able to give workshops again, certainly to the end of this year.

With this project we hope to stretch the children and push their imaginations to the extent that they can appreciate books, reading and other cultural experiences more deeply and wiht more insight. The idea of giving them hard-back, bound books that they can keep and decorate themselves has proved to be a brainwave. The proof of the project is in the writing and illustrations the children make. Photographs of their work are on their way!

But the ultimate goal is reading. We send books with the packets activities and the children read aloud, read alone and write about their impressions.

Three PDFs are ready to go on our website. There will be more!