Children’s Book Network Lockdown Learning Programme


Each week since the 11th of May, we have distributed CBN Lockdown Learning Booklets to our children in De Kop settlement in Stanford. Each booklet is based on a special theme. Topics and activities have to be created with built-in stories as getting books to each child is impossible in lockdown. Our team is writing new stories and finding downloadable stories on the internet. We are sending books for Vuyokasi Losa to read with the children, and she has a reading toolbox as well, with appropriate books to read aloud.

The reading kits are distributed at the same time as food from the Stanford Rotary scheme to provide meals to needy children who are not benefitting from the school feeding schemes while schools are closed. This initiative is possible as a result of CBN’s friends in Rotweil in Germany who were introduced to us through the good will of Springfontein Winery – other very good friends of the children in Stanford area who need books and reading. We thank them most sincerely.

Have a look at our Lockdown Learning Booklets below – free to download and use in your home, too.