And, by the numbers …
We always have an oversupply of children of all ages in Stanford when the call goes out. We had 54 children in attendance on 13 March and a more restrained 19 in Hermanus at Enlighten Trust on the 14th.
The optimum number is 25. Then we can successfully divide the children into three groups – identified on registration with different coloured hair scrunchies. Those who don’t bring back one of the 25 permission forms handed out by community facilitators are part of the Books and Stories sessions, but not the group activities. (During that time the extras, known as the ‘pop ins’, enjoy sports activities with members of the Teen Team). Children in Grade three and below are entertained separately by Teen Team members and enjoy stories and drawing.
We always have to think on our feet, but no child is turned away. The huge popularity of CBN workshops is measurable by the numbers who show up – and come back again and again. (We have also had occasions where somebody has photocopied the permissions forms and sixty paper-carrying children turned up demanding a workshop.)
(More details of statistics will appear as a pdf under RECORDS on this website in a few days.)
IMAGE: One of the many younger children who asked for (and got) a ‘Little CBN’ of their own. The puppet is Cubby, the Little CBN reading mascot.
Our thanks to Enlighten Education Trust for letting us use their facilities on the second day, to Nini Stevens who generously provided the food for the children on both days and to our funder ZA-FM Public Interest Fund, and other funders who help with the structure and framework of CBN.