Book Dash Book Donation


Just before our holiday workshop that ended off CBN’s successful year, we were offered the gift of some books that our CBN children could take home with them – and own.

Owning books is a critical part of learning to love books and reading, and Book Dash understands this need. They do several things:

They bring together authors, illustrators, editors and book designers in a voluntary extravaganza of book creation that lasts for twelve hours on a Saturday in different centres.

They distribute and sell the resulting books (at sponsored prices) in hard copy, but allow free access on the Internet for downloading and translating the books free of charge. This is particularly valuable for minority languages worldwide where own language publishing is difficult.

They encourage a love of reading with beautifully produced square little books that are a delight to handle.

CBN fully supports this initiative – and the children we work with delight in the books. Our thanks for this generous donation – not the first, and, dare we hope, not the last!

For more information, please go to:

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