Nyasha Makwarimba – leader of the Teen Team 2018 – 2019


We found Nyasha by accident – and now we don’t know how we managed without her. She sprang into the workshops as a volunteer and gradually revealed just how talented she is. Singing, dancing, conducting the CBN choir, tie-dying T-shirts, helping with any and all activities between books and story sessions. There seemed to be nothing she wouldn’t turn her hand to – always on time and always prepared.

Not only that. She brought her friends! During the course of the three-day Winter Workshops in 208, teenagers began to join in, leading eventually to the forming of the CBN Teen Team – a group of volunteers who make a huge difference to the impact CBN makes on the lives of children.

Nyasha has successfully completed Matric now, and left school at the end of 2018. In the interim between that, and going to begin the new term in September in UK at Oxford 6th Form, she worked as an intern in the CBN office. She was an efficietnt and hard-working addition to our small staff. One of the most enduring of her legacies being a fila, and a box of papers labelled: ‘Not very important things’. That makes us smile every time we encounter it (usually when looking for things that might, after all, turn out to be important).

She was more than important to the children she worked with, encouraging them, listenoing to them … playing with them. She will be much missed. Go well, Nyasha!