Green, green workshops! (Day Three)


Cold but sunny was a good forecast for children who need to let off steam before workshops and during lunch. The third day of CBN’s workshop with Enlighten Education Trust featured lions and big cats, with stories, books and activities in the morning and an exciting mask-making exercise with Alex and Thulani.

The morning concluded with more books and stories and then we broke for a pasta lunch.

There was quite a lot of excitement as the children assembled outside to put on their masks (indulge in a bit of lion fighting) and prepare to greet our guests for the afternoon, Catherine Nyquist and Lindsay Mitchell from Panthera Africa. It was quite a welcome!

Most of the lions settled down to pay attention to a very informative and fun talk about big cats and how much need there is to protect and look after those that have been in captivity and can never live in the wild again.

Excellent questions followed the talk and then a pride of proud lions had their photographs taken before departing clutching a bag with a Book Dash book and an apple.

It was over! (But we will do it again!)

This three-day workshop was also the launch of our Green Theme Toolbox – still needing some tweaking and additions, but a huge help in organizing and running the workshop.

The children were contacted and forms widely distributed through the wonderful librarian at Enlighten, Elmine Boonzaaier. Thank you!

As always, many thanks to the CBN team – Chantel Oosthuysen and Ellen Osman.

We are enormously grateful to Enlighten for funding and facilitating this workshop and allowing us the use of their marvelous venue. Special thanks are due to: Magriet Peter (Trust Manager) and Elaine Davie (Funding Manager), Elmine Boonzaaier (Librarian), Alex Forsyth (Art Facilitator) and her assistant Thulani Mapike, and Violet Swarts – who looked after the catering side of things.
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