March 2016

General Reports

We are pleased to present our annual report for a very exciting year of workshops and CBN activities. To see the full report, please

What Children?

The CBN team works with children who are needy in all of these aspects of their lives, underprivileged in the lack of opportunity and


Champion of Children. CBN was really – really – sorry when Rosemary announced her return to Britain after three years of providing a firm

CBN Books

Here, as promised, are the blogs and web reports (with pictures) of the Book Dash on Saturday. It was a truly splendid occasion! •

The Milk Star Stories

Nal’ibali is a wonderful resource for story telling advice and encouragement, these two articles may help you to get started:

The Milk Star Stories

Book Dash has an incredible range of books created by author-illustrator-graphic designer teams on their epic Book Dash days. All of them are available

CBN Books

From our Front Line Book Correspondent at Centre for the Book The Dash is on as twelve teams (each with editor, designer, illustrator and


By Month

