Who are we? The CBN team revealed: Rosemary Bangham


Rosemary has been with CBN almost since the beginning, doing design work, volunteering at workshops – and gradually being drawn in to more and more activities until she is now an essential part of every workshop and has taken on the critical position of Administration Manager as well as working on the website.

Rosemary was born and brought up in Cambridgeshire, UK, and came to CBN by way of Swaziland and a Masters degree in Africa Studies at University of Cape Town. She brings a rare combination of artistic (and very crafty!) skills and a clear business brain to everything she does – whether it is making shadow puppets with the children or organising complex events.

We used to say that CBN was about Website and Workshop. It didn’t take long to realise that it is also about administrating the complex process of being a registered NPO, having our own financial structure and maintaining the network of friends and colleagues we have built up in two and a half years. Rosemary handles all this with grace and enthusiasm. We couldn’t do without her!

Rosemary can be conracted directly on: info@childrensbook.co.za
Picture shows her working with children on clapping games and patterns as part of the Rock Gong workshop in Clanwilliam.