Winter Holiday plans for July


Two large workshops are planned for the school holidays. The first one will be at the Clanwilliam Living Landscape Project (CLLP) in the Cederberg from 30th June to 3rd July. We will be working with an exciting new music and books theme with our workshop manager Anele Mhlahlo and his violin as well as books and stories about music, writing about the effects of different music, clapping in patterns, recording humming and working with the CLLP rock gongs (on which more information will be coming soon!) This promises to be a hugely exciting workshop where we will do more work with website manager Phumla Gqoboka with the iPads on loan from Digicape in Cape Town, recording, photographing and filming as well as creating texts. We will be joined by faithful volunteers Mary Cadogan and Hugh Clarke from Ireland as well as others from closer at home.

The second workshop will be in Cape Town (venue to be confirmed) between 14 and 17 July and will include children from Red Hill informal settlement as well as others. We will be working on the base of materials created in Clanwilliam and expanding it. We are hoping to add to the tracks we will have created with rock gongs, clapping and humming by working with children who sing in choirs. Also hopefully, we will have input from Croc E Moses (musician and performance poet who has worked many times with CBN) and singers previously part of the UCT Choir. As always, books will be the main focus with some surprises in the planning stage.